2.2 What RJ likes most...

Now that we know RJ, what are his favourite artists? Let's have a look:

>>> import lastfm
>>> profile = lastfm.user.profile_information("RJ")
>>> artists_xml = profile.top_artists(format=lastfm.FORMAT.xml)
>>> print artists_xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<topartists user="RJ">
    <name>Dream Theater</name>
    <name>The Doors</name>

Uh, Dream Theater at rank 1 and The Doors as last...Ok, it's not my profile.

Again, let's get a little more pythonic:

>>> artists = profile.top_artists()
>>> artists
<<< <TopArtists username='RJ'>
>>> for artist in artists:
...     print artist.rank, artist.name
1 Dream Theater
2 Miles Davis
3 Aerosmith

You can get the same result without creating a Profile instance by calling the lastfm.user.top_artists function directly:

>>> artists = lastfm.user.top_artists("RJ")
>>> artists
<<< <TopArtists username='RJ'>